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    ValuSource Software Registry Problem


    MS Office has two versions or did not remove all the registry keys.  The ValuSource program calls MS Office and if the registry is corrupted, then the VS program fails to run.


    If you need to remove and reinstall office, please follow these directions down below.

    We recommend using this tool to remove Office completely. It works on Windows 7, 8 and 10. It works on Office 2013, Office 2016 and Office 365.

    Step One

    Follow the link to download the tool to remove office:

    Step Two:

    Run the exe,

    This will then bring up another window to uninstall that will look like this:

    Follow the steps and restart your computer when completed.


    Step Three:

    Reinstall office using the installer of your choice

    Will either come from a CD or Download

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