Time Saving Excel Keyboard Shortcuts
Keyboard shortcuts are major time savers and can mostly be used across all Microsoft programs. Here is a list of vital shortcuts to allow you to do everything from creating a new workbook to cutting and pasting information from one cell to the next, quickly and accurately.
Ctrl+A Select all contents of a worksheet
Ctrl+B Bold all cells in the highlighted section
Ctrl+F Search the current sheet
Ctrl+G Go to a certain area
Ctrl+H Find and replace
Ctrl+I Puts italics on all cells in the highlighted section
Ctrl+K Inserts a hyperlink
Ctrl+P Print the current sheet
Ctrl+R Fill Right
Ctrl+S Saves the open worksheet
Ctrl+U Underlines all cells in the highlighted section
Ctrl+V Pastes everything copied onto the clipboard
Ctrl+W Closes the current workbook
Ctrl+X Cuts all cells within the highlighted section
Ctrl+Y Repeats the last entry
Ctrl+Z Undo the last action
Ctrl+1 Changes the format of the selected cells
Ctrl+2 Bolds all cells in the highlighted section
Ctrl+3 Puts italics all cells in the highlighted section
Ctrl+4 Underlines all cells in the highlighted section
Ctrl+5 Puts a strikethrough all cells in the highlighted section
Ctrl+6 Shows or hides objects
Ctrl+7 Shows or hides the toolbar
Ctrl+8 Toggles the outline symbols
Ctrl+9 Hides rows
Ctrl+0 Hides columns
Ctrl+Shift+: Enters the current time
Ctrl+; Enters the current date
Ctrl+` Changes between displaying cell values or formulas in the worksheet
Ctrl+’ Copies a formula from the cell above